180Que Revisions

Build 1.2.0

    We’ve got a couple new features to offer.

  1. Backup – you can email yourself one of your schedules from the main screen event dropdown menus. It uses your own built in email app, and it’s a very basic, but we want to make this available while work continues V2
  2. Shake to silence. When you have thick gloves on, you can now quiet the alarm by shaking the phone.

Build 1.1.0

See What’s New menu for 1.07 thru 1.09
1.1.0 is a maintenance release for devices that refuse to wake up while in deep snooze mode.

Build 1.06

Aug 2, 2016

  1. Fixed bug on Android 6.0.1 devices

Build 1.05

July 15, 2016

  1. New feature: Remind-Me – An elapsed (kitchen) timer for when you need to check doneness of ribs, brisket, etc, in X minutes. This is our most requested new feature and it’s all yours!

Build 1.04

June 19, 2016

  1. New interface for Alarm Alerts screen. See on board help.
  2. Many edge-case bug fixes.

Build 1.03

Jan 20, 2016

  1. This build includes some important building blocks for new features due out soon.
  2. Prompt for Ratings – your kind words are greatly appreciated.

Build 1.02

Nov 5, 2015

  1. Fix crash on few devices when alarm goes off

Build 1.01

Oct 28, 2015

  1. Roll revision to reflect public release
  2. Added Rate / Review to menu system
  3. Fixed links on About dialog
  4. Other minor usability issues

Build 0.13

Oct 14, 2015

  1. A crash bug persists on some devices which prevents important things from happening. Unable to reproduce, we’re hopeful the problem is now resolved.
  2. Time changes due to timezone and daylight savings time are now adjusted for.
  3. Default date for new event schedule items now uses event date/time instead of mru date/time.

Build 0.9

Oct 7, 2015

  1. You can now quickly and easily take notes on times, temps, anything that’s important for your post mortem analysis of each competition. Schedule Run – you will now see a little ‘clipboard’ icon in the menu bar. Click that and you can write notes while your cook is in progress without missing a step.
  2. Add confirmation in front of Stop Running to prevent accidental presses.
  3. Fix bugs that would cause crash on some devices at different times – including preventing alarms from sounding

Build 0.8

Sept 10, 2015

Initial beta testing release


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