
What the heck is this?

  1. Enter your scores from your score sheet - it's lightnig fast and easy!
  2. When done, this tool automatically reports a wealth of information.
  3. It's all formatted and ready to paste right into your spreadsheet.
Sample of output data

But first, the boring stuff:


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So how the heck do I use this?

Step 1 - Your browser must have Javascript enabled. What does the next line say?

Javascript is not enabled. Search to enable it for your browser.

Step 2 - Enter the event name:

Step 3 - Enter your scores from your score sheet 899, 989, 898... etc. No tab or arrow needed, we do all that for you. It's that fast & easy!

Please help spread the word:

  Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6
Pork Ribs:

Step 4: Your report will automatically appear below as soon as all your scores are entered. You can Copy, and Paste the report right into your spreadsheet.

Accumulative scores ?

Appearance Taste Tenderness ?

Historic detail ?

Drop low score ?

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